Interventional radiology

What is interventional radiology?

Interventional radiology (IR) is a radiological subspecialty that includes minimally invasive procedures performed under the control of various imaging methods.

As technology advances, and high-quality equipment is increasingly available, interventional radiology is able to offer patients an increasing number of new treatment options, guided by diascopy, USG or CT.

Today, many conditions that once required surgical treatment can be treated by interventional radiologists. Such procedures enable lower risk, less pain and faster recovery compared to open surgery.

Interventional radiologists

Interventional radiologists are subspecialists for minimally invasive, targeted procedures performed under the control of various imaging methods.

They have the deepest knowledge about the least invasive procedures, connected with diagnostic and clinical experiences of all specialties and are experts in the field of radiation protection. Using diascopy, MR, and other imaging methods to place a catheter in the patient's body (most often an artery), interventional radiologists are able to treat the cause of the disease non-surgically.

As the inventors of angioplasty and catheter-based stenting, which were first used to treat peripheral arterial disease, interventional radiologists su začetnici minimalno invazivne moderne medicine.

The unique combination of skills of interventional radiologists encourages innovation and enables rapid adaptation of their knowledge of imaging methods for the initiation of non-surgical treatment procedures, performed under the control of various imaging methods. Interventional radiologists adapt techniques of proven effectiveness, and adapt them to solve new challenges.

Patient safety is included in the very development of the mentioned therapeutic procedures, because the specialization in radiology as well as the subspecialization in interventional radiology includes training in the field of radiation protection, radiation physics, biological effects of radiation and prevention of radiation injuries.

The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) publishes guidelines for invasive procedures, including criteria for appropriate training for specific interventional procedures, as well as expected success and complication rates. These proven guidelines are used by the FDA, hospitals, and watchdog groups.


Contact us

Croatian Medical Association

Šubićeva street 9,
10000 Zagreb, CRO

E-mail: info[at]